Fort Hancock and Sandy Hook Engagement Session ::
New Jersey Wedding Photographer
Photographer: Susan Elizabeth Photography
Hair and Makeup: Vôa Salon and Studio: Hair: Tina Markou . Makeup: Eneroly Rosario Jimenez
Red Dress: Nordstroms
Floral Dress: Lulus
How did you meet:
Damien and I have known each other for almost as long as I can remember. My first memory of him was at a mutual friends house when I was around 7 years old. Him and our friend came in from football practice and changed the channel on me as I was watching a movie and I of course yelled at them. I remember always having a crush on him through middle school and when I would see him around the softball fields even though he was talking smack about my pitching. Once high school came around we seemed to have more and more mutual friends. We would run into each other at house parties and he’d always give me “that look” from across the room until he finally asked me to hang out. We used to go on secret dates to Ciro’s Pizza in Colonia so no one in Woodbridge would see us (makes me laugh now). It always seems like timing was never right for us to date back then. We would somehow find our way back to each other every few months or so throughout high school. I went away to college in Connecticut and he reached out to me via Facebook asking if I was too cool for him now that I was a couple states away. He ended up coming to visit and asked me to go out with him in the city. Our first official “date” will be ten years ago this August and the rest is history!
The proposal:
A group of our best friends planned a day to go tubing down the Delaware Water Gap. I had a feeling he was proposing soon, but wasn’t entirely sure when. After tubing he had invited everyone back to our house to hang out and I was so annoyed! I didn’t want to have to worry about cleaning up after the party. He was acting so strange so I knew something was up, but after arguing I thought, there’s no way he’s proposing now! I told my best friend she can go home since I really didn’t think it was happening that night. I ended up agreeing to have everyone over. I called Beth to tell her to come back, but when she didn’t answer I knew she had already fallen asleep. Everyone got there and we were all just hanging out having pizza and white claws while jammin’ to old music we used to love. I remember laughing when our friend, Chris, said he loved driving around to Akon’s song, I’m so Paid. We put that song on as Justin took all the girls’ drink orders. He came back without mine and I thought nothing of it when he said Dame was bringing me my drink. Damien came into the living room with a white claw and a diamond ring! I was in shock at first I thought he was kidding! He got down on one knee with everyone there and surprised me by asking me to marry him. I just cried instead of ever giving him an answer, but I think we all know my answer was and still is, yes a million times over 🙂 Beth woke up and we laughed over her missing it. She came over with everyone to celebrate. The video makes me crack up hearing Akon in the back, but it just makes it that much better. It ended up being exactly how I wanted it. With our best friends having fun in our home.
What’s your favorite thing about each other?
Damien has always had a way of making things simple. I’m always doing a million and one things whether it be for work, or grad school but he always has a way of calming me down. To say he keeps me sane and grounded is an understatement. He makes me feel like myself in the best way possible. To know someone truly sees you for who are and loves you through all your phases is really all anyone could ask for. Damien has the biggest heart I’ve ever known and not many people know, he is a total mush! I love that he’s so caring and passionate about the things he loves. Whether it’s food shopping or running errands he somehow manages to make it fun. I’m lucky to be laughing through life with my best friend.
Nicole has a kind gentle heart, yet stern with integrity that is unmatched. She motivates me to be a better person. She always makes me strive for more. Even when goals seem unattainable, with her by my side all things seem possible. Relationships are not perfect, but the idea is to make it our own kind of “perfect” together and I think we’ve managed to do just that. I’m excited for what the future holds for us knowing I have such a supportive and determined partner. She makes the bad days good and good days great so let’s continue enjoying this ride called life!

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